Each year my wife and friends lose contact with me for about 3 - 4 months. It's a time I like to call football season. For example I saw Cyemm the other day and he said, "man I haven't seen you in ages how've you been?" He's known me long enough to understand that this brief reticence is nothing more than "my thing", and that I do it every year.
A couple of days ago a close friend of mine (and fellow football nut) asked how I was doing in the 6 (yes six, and I participated in more than this last year so get off my back) Fantasy Football Leagues I'm in. Needless to say, I have an obsession. I'd feel bad about answering the question but it was posed by a fellow "Ef ef eller" (FFL) that happens to frequent my musings so...
This year I participated in 6 different leagues. 2 Yahoo leagues, 3 CBS Sportsline, and 1 Fanball league.
One of the Yahoo leagues and the Fanball league are what we term "money" leagues. These are leagues that you pay for and have an opportunity to win money back. As a result these are the leagues that tend to garnish most of my attention.
The other leagues are ones that I participate in for both practice and pride. You can really pick up on trends around the FF world just by watching what other owners do with there teams each week.
Most importantly to some of you, and especially to The Admiral, is that at the end of the season there is an annual "Thank God The Fantasy Football Season Is Over Steak Dinner" that I take The Admiral to. It started out small. In the beginning it was all about the dinner being equivelent to the level of success I have each year but I've performed fairly well the last half dozen years and I have to admit that this year I'm really starting to feel the pressure of delivering a quality meal.
So how am I doing this year you ask? I'm proud to say that out of the 6 teams 5 of them have made the Playoffs. Even better still is the fact that I'm still alive in both of the money leagues. As a side note I'd like to mention that for the team that missed the playoffs I wasn't able to participate in the draft due to being at a really kick-ass party with some of you folks. The regular season records this year were:
CBS - Crighton's Module 8 - 6
CBS - Rebuilding Year 1 9 - 5
CBS - Ditty Boppin Blues 7 - 7 (bummer)
Yahoo - Harvey's Crawl Space 9 - 5
$Yahoo$ - Rebuilding Year 8 - 5
$Fanball$ - Durden's Boys 10 - 3
The good news is that I won't lose any money this year. Beyond that I can't say because I'm much too superstitious to start thinking I've won it all. I hope to see many of you in about 3 - 4 weeks at a decent steak place, toasting with me and The Admiral.