Instead this is real life. Or some semblance there of. Today is John McCain’s 72nd birthday. That’s right folks. John Sidney McCain III was born on August 29, 1936. He’s old. Yep. Uh huh. There it is. John McCain is old and is a two time cancer scare survivor. These are the facts and they cannot be disputed. One of the greatest fears that his supporters have had is that he would win the Oval Office and not live long enough to serve his full term. Worse that he would not survive the campaign season altogether and leave his party in a lurch.
So as a safe guard, we the eager onlookers, waited for him to pick a running mate that could just as easily have been his party’s nominee. Perhaps Mitt Romney who showed a fair grasp of the economy despite being an out of touch tycoon. Perhaps Governor Huckabee who displayed the type of folksy interpersonal warmth that McCain lacks. Or any other host of candidates. We waited, and we waited. Knowing that he would select someone that, should something horrible happen to him, his supporters could feel secure that the person that was “a heart beat away” would be qualified to stand guard over our nations security and dreams.
His choice was Sarah Fucking Palin? Are you kidding me? Seriously?
Ok…sure…she’s cute…but this is your answer to Joe Biden? Really?
She has some admirable qualities. That much is for sure. She played squealer…er…I mean whistle blower to her fellow Republican colleagues in Alaska. She took on the oil companies and helped to ensure that a good portion of the money that was coming out of her state went back to the folks that live there. Hell, she even had the good sense to support Barack’s energy plan a few months ago.
But wait, there's more…
She’s also the subject of an ethics probe for alleged abuse of power. She is accused of having had someone fired for not firing her sisters ex-husband. Sure the ex-hubby was a dick…sorry…alleged dick…but if she abused her power as the Governor of Alaska imagine what she would do as the Vice President or even worse the big cheese? I can’t think of the last time we had a President that abused his power. Oh wait – yes I can!
But that's not all you get...
She’s not just anti-abortion. She’s so conservative on this issue that she believes that anyone involved in one should be imprisoned. I’m sorry but a woman that won’t allow another woman the right to choose what to do with her own body is like a black member of the Ku Klux Klan. Step aside please we have progress to make.
And on her first day as the Presumptive Republican Nominee’s running mate…on her first day in the national spotlight…SHE LIED.
Yep. Uh huh. There it is.
She Lied. Apparently she’s a quick learner.
What did she lie about you ask? Well during her acceptance speech she claimed to have told Congress that she and the state of Alaska had no interest in the “Bridge To Nowhere”. Let me be specific here. The precise quote was:
“…and I’ve championed reform to end the abuses of earmark spending by Congress. In fact I told Congress, I told Congress, thanks but no thanks on that Bridge To Nowhere. If our state wanted a bridge I said, we’d build it ourself.”
However, in an October 22, 2006 interview with the Anchorage Daily News, Palin was asked the following question:
“Would you continue state funding for the proposed Knik Arm and Gravina Island Bridges?”
Her answer was:
"Yes. I would like to see Alaska’s infrastructure projects built sooner rather than later. The window is now – while our congressional delegation is in a strong position to assist. "
That statement is a far cry from today's “thanks but no thanks”.
Nice going John. You picked someone that has even less experience than your opponent (the one thing you’ve criticized him for). You picked a woman that stands against most women on an issue that is so intimate to their personal freedom they picket for it in every major city in the country. And you picked someone that is under investigation for ethics violations and on her first day in the lime light lied about a simple issue that most Americans would not have even cared about.
But at least she’s cute. So happy birthday big fella. I hope 72 is almost everything you'd hoped it would be.
For other entertaining comments on the new political hotness take a look at
And now for absolutely no good reason whatsoever ---- take it Ruby!!!