Tuesday, May 27, 2008

In Memoriam

Although it was observed on Monday, May 26th, this Friday the 30th is Memorial Day. It is dedicated in general to the men and women that have served in the U. S. Military, and more specifically those that have lost their lives during this commitment. Having served eight proud years in the United States Coast Guard myself I understand firsthand the sacrifice that each service member and the families that support them make on a daily basis.

If you know someone that has served, or still is, tell them thank you!

I and many others, spend a countless amount of energy criticizing and ridiculing our government to an extent that would easily have us jailed in other countries. We are afforded this luxury as a direct result of the men and women of the United States armed forces and the families that support them.

…from the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli

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