Saturday, May 22, 2010

That Lil Blue Pill

Sometimes when I'm posting I feel as if I'm on a talk show and I'm attempting to give the lead in to a clip from a movie that you're about to see. I even try to play both the role of the host and the guest (otherwise the lead in seems really long in my head).

This time around I'd like to tell you about GSA. Not the one that the government types use to buy stuff. I'm talking about G-Spot Amplification.

And unlike Viagra/Cialis/Pfizer and other male sexual enhancements, this one is for the ladies. The G-SHOT is a patent pending method of amplifying or augmenting the mythical G-Spot with a human engineered collagen. And the Republicans said nothing good would ever come from stem cell research. Oh p-shaw.

The truth is that I would love to regail you all with more bad jokes about this but I don't want to take away from the brilliant newscast at WGNO. Here's your clip of the week.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Have You Met Orb's Neighbor?

Ok so this guy isn't really his neighbor in the typical sense of the word. But since all things are relative in my mind, and since they both live in Minnesota, and since this is MY blog and no one else's...HE'S ORB'S NEIGHBOR!

Now that we've gotten that straight.

I don't know really how to describe what you're about to see. I'm a little envious of this guys spirit. And I'm jealous of what great shape he's in. At the same time I can't help but laugh at the entire thing. He's incredibly narcissistic (anyone that would have Public Access TV show filming this has to be). The (self) commentary is murderously funny. All in all this thing is just fucking goofy. But even so, it is the most fantastic thing I've seen since Thursday!

So here's my attempt at a description. What would you get if you took Wayne's World and mashed it together with Bruce Jenner? What if Mary Lou Retton and Elmer Fudd had a love child. Even that doesn't begin to scrape the surface so I'll have to let Orb's neighbor speak for himself.

Ladles and Germs I give you Mikenastics. Here's your clip of the week!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Stepmother Is An Alien

Once upon a time the Admiral and I used to frequent “The Bar that Time Forgot”, also known as The Workshop Tavern. We dubbed it this because it was the year 2002 and could just as easily have been the year 1902 on the inside.

We went there for Karaoke and became friends with Dr. Vern, who was the Karaoke host. Turned out that Vern was from Florida and was also a Buccaneer fan. Needless to say we formed an instant bond.

Well Vern has since moved back to Florida and it’s been a long time since we’ve seen him in person. We enjoyed hangin with him so much that we actually stopped going to Karaoke for a while because it just wasn’t as much fun without him.

In addition to being a Buc fan, Vern is also a Sci-Fi enthusiast. So much so that he is part of a band called “Sci-Fried”. If you’ve heard of them, you should congratulate yourself on being a HUGE SciFi geek. This is not a bad thing BTW. If you haven’t heard of them that’s ok too.

Sci-Fried has developed quite a cult following over the last couple of years. We’re talking obscure pop culture that will someday be considered extremely cool due to the overwhelming number of people following it.

We love them because they perform song parodies and change all the lyrics to be SciFi themed. Here’s an example of them performing a parody of a classic 80’s tune. If you’re a Stargate SG-1 fan you’ll get a kick out of this.

This past week Vern and the rest of the Sci-Fried crew were contacted by Karen O’hara. Karen works for SyFy Original Movies. Here’s the TV family tree for SyFy Original Movies. SFOM is a subset of the SyFy Network which is owned by Universal (which also owns USA Network, NBC etc.) My reasoning for spelling this out will be come obvious.

Karen asked Vern and his crew to come up to NY City and drop by her office for a visit. You can read the entire account of his visit to 30 Rock here The call itself would be enough to give any SciFi geek instant wood but getting to actually tour the building may cause you to clean yourself off.

All in all some serious good stuff. And just so you Trekkies don’t feel left out here’s a little diddy just for you!