Sunday, July 4, 2010

I've Got Soul But I'm Not A Soldier

Once upon a time I posted that No One Really Cares About Africa. Today is different. Today people care because we are on the eve of the Semi-finals for The World Cup. Now for those of you that are a lot like me...meaning that you don't give a good god damn about "sucker" - err I mean soccer - the Semi-finals don't mean much to you. Futbol fans will tell you that not only are you wrong for not caring, but that you are in the minority when referring to the realm of world opinion.

And on the list of problems that I currently have with "sucker" you can add World Opinion. Ya see, while the leading story coming out of Africa this past couple of weeks might be that

  1. England and the U.S.A. was knocked out in the first round of 16.
  2. Ghana, the last remaining African team has been eliminated.
  3. Brazil, the odds on favorite to win this years World Cup has been ousted.

So today I'm here to tell you all that No one REALLY cares about Africa.

Now I know what you're gonna say. "But Aagro, I love the World Cup! And Africa has done a great job hosting this year". To which I'll respond with 3 "Y's":

  1. Yes they have
  2. Yes you do
  3. You're still a moron
Here's the problem I have. And I'm adult enough to realize that sucker is a casualty in my war on the Apathy For Africa. The leading story will invariably not be about one, or a dozen, of the kids that were abducted by Joseph Kony of the Lord's Resistance Army (the fear of God and the feel of the rod strikes again). Most of you don't know this name but trust me when I tell you that he's Pinochet on crack!!! The leading story will not be about the Genocide's that continue to occur in Darfur.
To be honest even though it bears a closer resemblance to pre WWII Germany, we'd be better off relating the events surrounding this years World Cup to the movie District 9 or Invictus if we wanted to draw any attention to what's really happening there.

I admit that the view is pretty good here in the cheap seats but at some point we've crossed the line from being a sports fan and being oblivious to what's going on around the event.

I could go on but it seems pointless. I'm a sports fan so I recognize how blinded we can become when a big sporting event is going on. Enjoy it!

I mean that.

When its over perhaps...just perhaps...those that were brought together by the events in South Africa will stick around long enough to declare their outrage for what's going on in the rest of the continent. And then maybe...just maybe...things will begin to change for the better.

Here's your clip of the week.

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