Sunday, June 17, 2007

If you can't be with the one you love...

Ok big head shake on this one. This past Friday The Associated Press reported that "A Corvallis teenager was arrested after a surveillance camera captured him preparing to sexually abuse a horse inside a barn". Here is the entirety of the article.

Report: Corvallis teen accused of sexually abusing horse
June 15,
2007 05:34AM Associated Press

A Corvallis teenager was
arrested after a surveillance camera captured him preparing to sexually abuse a
horse inside a barn, police said.

The owners of the barn installed the
camera after reporting an assault on the horse last summer. In February, the
owners noticed the halter of their mare had been moved, as well as some food
dishes. When they checked the video, they saw a young man sexually assaulting
the horse.

Deputy Clay Stephens of the Benton County Sheriff's Office,
who watched the video, said the youth, who could not be identified, seemed to be
following a "very concise, deliberate, well-thought-out plan."

owners then installed a silent alarm. On June 7, at around 2:30 a.m., the alarm
sounded in the house. The owners looked at the video monitor and saw the suspect
preparing to assault the horse. They called the sheriff's office and the
17-year-old was arrested at the barn.

The teenager faces charges of
burglary and sexual abuse of an animal.

He was taken to the Linn-Benton
Detention Center where he was arraigned and released later the same day. His
next court appearance is a hearing June 20.

Not only do I read this and think to myself "Seriously!?!?!?!?" or "You've got to be fucking kidding me!?!?!?!?" But I also remember that two years ago a man died after having intercourse with a Horse. Sadly this also happened here in the Great Pacific Northwest.

For the morbidly curious you can see the film adaptation of the 2005 event by renting "Zoo".


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