Monday, June 30, 2008

Those Who Survived Lived By A Simple Creed -- Any Job. Anywhere!

It is no secret that I am a tremendous dork when it comes to Science Fiction. I always have been. So on that long ago day that I ran across the Sci-Fi network (chanell 59 on my comcast cable) I knew that I was not alone.

There's this idea that I've written about before that the world is more "together" in the eyes of Science Fiction.

One of the best all time Sci-Fi shows is and shall remain Firefly. I got a little nostalgic this evening and decided to watch a few episodes amidst dinner and laundry (two of my other favorite things). If you're a fan of the show you'll really appreciate these.

This post is dedicated to this Joss Whedon's masterpiece (which not everyone likes) and us self proclaimed Browncoats. Keep flyin' my friends!

All these things that I've done

That's some bad hat Harry

Holding out for a hero

Worlds Collide

And we shall call it..."This Land"

Please Josh...Bring it Back to Life

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