Thursday, June 18, 2009

Douche Bag Says What? Hah - Gotcha!

Being that its almost Friday its time to give you a ____ of the week. Now I know what you’re thinking. Didn’t he already give us one? Indeed I did but because I love ya all so much I’m tossing you a bonus of the week.

I toyed with the idea of call this the Douche Bag of the Week but I thought that would be an insult to DB’s all over the land. Jackass just didn’t seem to cover it for this guy so that was out. Ultimately I’ve decided to go with Mo Fo. And for the acronym impaired that’s Mothah Fuckah. So without further hesitation I’d like to announce that Warren Appleton MD is the Mother Fucker of the Week.

Since I know you’re wondering why I’ve decided to pick on Warren I’ll do you a solid and share it with you.

You see folks on May 5th while in the emergency room I had the opportunity to meet Warren. He and I spent a glorious 5 minutes together. During this time he looked deeply into my eye and decided quickly that he was not knowledgeable enough in ocular medicine to assist me.

In this wonderful 5 minute period he suggested that I drive to see an Optometrist located several miles away. I was less than enthusiastic about this idea, a story that I promise to share with you all some day. The point of this rant is that he spent little to zero time helping me and then referred me to someone else.

And what did this joy of a man feel his time was worth during my moment of need? What would the “Physicians Portion of Emergency Dept Care” bill amount to? I’m glad you asked.

This asshole sent me a bill for $337.00. That’s right ladles and germs…5 minutes…$337 bucks. This is why I’m pleased to present to you “Dr.” Warren Appleton – your Mothah Fuckah Of The Week!!

“Yall goan make me lose my mind up in heah”

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