Monday, June 15, 2009

You Wanna Piece Of Me?

Or do you want the whole damn thing?

This will sound like a bit of a whine to some (even to myself). Part of being an adult means having responsibilities. It’s the whole Stan Lee/Peter Parker thing, “with great power comes great responsibility”. I grew up collecting Comic books so I’ve subscribed to this sort of ideal since I was a wee lad. So much so that I’ve often tried to shoulder more of the load than I’m capable of. It has been referred to as the Superman complex. A Superman Complex is an unhealthy sense of responsibility, or the belief that everyone else lacks the capacity to successfully perform any task. Such a person may feel a constant need to "save" others

Thank you Wikipedia!

Although I’m not positive I really believe that two of my closest friends suffer from this affliction as well (B-Mac & Whorehito). The problem with this idea is that you can’t solve all of the worlds problems. Its just not possible. The other problem with this idea is that despite being aware of the absolute certainty of problem #1 that will never stop me from trying.

So when a day like today comes around, and you don’t realize that your own personal battery is running drastically low, tackling the worlds problems - or at the very least the stupid personally localized ones that come your way - can seem almost impossible. It’s at times like these that the idiot mobile seems to be packed to the gills.

But when the battery is low life’s pressures can get to you fairly easily. It can be just about anything no matter how small.

Money - Is everything paid for? Do you know where your next source of income is coming from? Are you short on cash? Maybe you didn’t get the promotion you know you deserved.

Work - Not getting enough respect from your boss? Your peers? Carrying too much of the load? Still trying to find employment after being let go? Maybe you just been reassigned to an area that makes you feel uncomfortable. Are you doing two jobs because they let half the staff go?

Home - Are you alone? Is your partner more of a sidekick? Are you unable to resolve some longstanding issue that stands between you? Got the in-laws coming to visit soon? Maybe the ‘rents live with you.

The point I’m trying to make is that pressure comes from all areas and I haven’t even scratched the surface with my sorry little list. The world comes to your stoop everyday and knocks on the door asking for a piece of your sorry ass. If you decide to refuse or fight against it, the world says fuck you and takes it anyway like a child hood bully stealing your milk money on a 3rd grade playground.

Despite all of the above its true what they say in “Shawshank”. Get busy livin’. It really is just that simple. No matter how hard it seems sometimes. What I find helpful is what I refer to as “downshift time”. These are the moments that are just for me. Those moments that no one places any demands on my time. Those moments that are just for me. They are rare. But then how many times did you ever see Supes fly off to his Fortress of Solitude?

And to my friends and loved ones, the below vid is not a cry for help or a vague suicide note. It is however the first song that came to mind when composing this post. No need for concern…just blowin off a lil steam. Welcome to Rehab.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hurray, Chad's back (or at working on coming back to us)!

Now get off that bandwagon so we can go drinking this weekend, which hopefully will lead to us doing stupid and dangerous stuff that we normally won't do!