Today I suppose I'm a little angry. Over the last 6 years I've managed to delude myself and forget that George Bush is the President of the United States. I've somehow on a subconcious level turned it into a foggy dream that I will eventually wake up from. But today I'm awake again. And as usual being awake means being outraged.
Fuck me? No Sir, FUCK YOU!!!
But I have to be careful. I am prone to hypertension. It's important that I watch my blood pressure levels. To this end there are certain things that I try very hard not to think about.
I try to avoid thinking about the way our international credibility has been brought down to levels that are previously unheard of.
I don't think about all of the overwhelming evidence that clearly indicates that this administration fabricated most of the events of 9/11/2001 and in so doing took advantage of our patriotism.
I turn the other way at the thought of how the mere word patriotism has somehow become synonomous with blind loyalty to an unjust war.
I pretend to have forgotten the multitude of lies that were told to the American people in an attempt to raise support for the unlawful invasion of another country.
As a veteran the mere concept that these actions have resulted in over 3,200 U.S. Military casualties (good kids just doing their job), and over 17,000 wounded, causes instant amnesia.
As a father I refuse to think about the effects the last 6 years will have on a world that my daughter will one day inherit. I refuse to imagine what she and her generation will have to do to overcome the deficit. And were I to consider the drastic measures they will have to take just to ensure that their kids inherit a world that considers the environmental effects of their actions and policies my BP would jump at least 10 points.
Fortunately, there is a placebo for days like today. From the album "I'm not dead" I give you Pink's "Dear Mr. President". The song was released about 10 months or so and still has the ability to calm the rage within. Please come take a walk with me.