Monday, September 17, 2007

It won't balance your checkbook or cook your food but...

If you're not careful it might entertain you.

This weekend the Admiral and I went to a part hosted by one of her burlesque friends. It was a nice enough crowd and all in all I had an ok time. Hell I even picked up a new joke, which i will unveil in a few weeks at "The Coral".

We drank cocktails, looked at photos that folks had taken, discussed politics...good tims, good times. One of the many topics during the course of the evening were TV shows. A small group of us shared a passion for Sci Fi and we talked about some of our favorite shows. Of course anytime a group of peole are talking about TV someone is going to pipe in and utter the words, "I really don't watch a lot of TV". Followed by the inevitable diatribe on why TV is bad for you.

I'm sad to report that this instance was no different. Interestingly enough was the question that was posed by the "TV is evil" protagonist. She turned to me and asked, "what TV show has emboldened your soul?" Unfortunately someone interupted us before I could answer and we never did return to the conversation.

Still had I gotten the chance to prepare a retort it would have been something along the lines of IT'S ENTERTAINMENT YOU NINNY! (I've always wanted to call someone a "ninny") It won't balance your checkbook, provide you with inner peace, cook your food, or cure cancer. But if you're not careful it just might provide you with some entertainment. There are other ways to be entertained, and TV is not for everyone but for fucks sake allow those of us who enjoy it to do so without the holier than thou speaches.

BTW Survivor China starts this Thursday on CBS. Here now are a few shows that I am really looking forward to wasting my brain cells on.

Come with me if you want to live
The Sarah Conner Chronicles - starring Lena Headley (of among other things The 300), Summer Glau "River" from Firefly plays a T-girl (no not that kind you sicko) the kind that can toss a car 30 yards with the flick of her tiny little wrist. It's the story of Sarah and her plight to protect her son from a future that scares the crap out of her. But don't take my word for the trailer for yourself. (Please Fox, don't screw this up).

A Classic Reborn
By now you've already heard of this one but if the clips and trailers are any indication its going to be a good one. The Bionic Woman returns this fall to NBC and if you haven't heard already it will be visited from time to time by Katee Sackhoff (Starbuck of BSG fame). This time around Jamie Sommers is played by Michelle Ryan (a mostly unknown actress that is sure to make an impact on the industry after this). This show looks scrumdiddlyicious.

There are a few others that I will mostly likely not watch because there just isn't enough time and I don't have TiVo. But hey, that's what DVD is for. Some of the best shows I've seen were ones that were watched on DVD one episode after the other.

Other shows worth checking out:

  • Damages on FX. I saw the first 4 episodes of this one day during one of those pimp the show out marathons. Good stuff.
  • Painkiller Jane. Friday nights on the Sci Fi network. Its a good show and worth the time if you're home that night and still awake.
  • Pushing Daisies. ABC attempts dark quirky humor. I'm undecided.

Sorry but I'm home sick today and I've gotta run...there's a movie comin on I don't want to miss.

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