Saturday, September 6, 2008

I'm not sayin...I'm just sayin'

Look if you're gonna stand in the limelight and run for the second highest office in our country then you better have your shit together. That means don't get caught in a lie on your first day (Bridge to nowhere my ass) - don't be in the middle of an ethics committe violation in your home state - and for cryin out loud if you've go some shit to hide about your daughter and her pregnancy (or pregnancy) that might put both your ability as a leader and a parent under scrutiny you might want to consider turning down the job when the old fart calls you. I'm just sayin! If its even remotely possible that you've got some shit that could come out you'd have to be Helen Fucking Keller to not think we'd find out. Even Alaska has the internet

And before someone starts in with the "I can't believe you're talking about this." And the "why won't you people just leave her alone." I'm gonna call bullshit because I had to listen to 6 weeks worth of Rev. Wright crap and he wasn't even related to Barack. So with 60 some odd days left you best believ IT'S ON LIKE DONKEY KONG!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh dear God that is funny, let distrubing at the same time.