Thursday, September 11, 2008

Too Few, Yet Too Many

Today is September 11, 2008. All day I’ve been contemplating what to write that could possibly sum up what I and I’m sure many others think about on this day. It’s tougher than you might think.

I don't think anyone will ever forget where they were when they heard what had happened. And we all remember different moments about what happened in New York 7 years ago. The moment that has flashed in my mind all day is that of folks jumping from the building. The thought that this was a better option than whatever horror remained inside. That the only chance of survival was improbable at best. Or maybe it was a simpler choice of how they preferred to die given the alternative. It gives me chills even now.

For the majority of the day the cable news networks have been replaying the entire scene. Even if we wanted to forget we were not going to be allowed to.

In a lot of ways it’s good that I can’t come up with the proper words to express the emotion that may rise in us when thinking about what happened back then. I run the risk of demeaning it by even attempting to.

So in an attempt at brevity (albeit too late) I will leave you all to consider what has happened both here and around the globe since then. For me one word carried me through those early months of terror, grief, and anger. There was one singular theme that surfaced from my very core.


Lastly, a cautionary warning. The images in the below vid are graphic in nature and although they are work safe viewing them might be a bit much for some.

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