Monday, April 9, 2007

Fly me to the moon

For those of you that will read this and wonder just what the fuck was on my mind at the time let me just say that the new bar that just opened up down the street was closed today. This is important because I'd decided that today I would check it out for the first time to see if it was worth going to on a more routine basis. But they're closed on Monday. WTF?!?!?!?! If you are ever entertaining the idea of opening up a bar there are very few days that you should consider being closed. Monday isn't one of them. In fact Monday is one of the days that you should always be open. You should possibly be open longer hours than any other day of the week.

Discouraged I sauntered home to drink the beer that was in the fridge and to post about alien encounters. *Sigh*

In the book "MAKING CONTACT: A SERIOUS HANDBOOK FOR LOCATING AND COMMUNICATING WITH EXTRATERRESTRIALS", A man named Jonathan Vos Post, has written an excerpt entitled "Me Human, You Alien: How to Talk to an Extraterrestrial". If your a dweeb like me then the Introduction and first chapter are interesting enough to make you consider downloading this online book.


This is your first meeting with an un-Earthly non-human entity: an Extraterrestrial (ET).
If you handle it well, you will be the greatest hero alive, and be able to make a fortune
selling your story to the media. If you blow it, the repercussions could be unimaginably
terrible, perhaps an interstellar war that could annihilate humanity.

Feeling a little stressed out? Rule Number One: DON'T PANIC.

Just follow these simple guidelines, and all will be well. We hope.

The first chapter is a description of what you should have on you if you should happen to encounter an Extraterrestrial. It is entitled "A Handfull of Coins, A Loop of String, a Flashlight, and Two Magnets". Jonathan then goes on to both list the exact objects you should have on your person and what you would use them for. This interesting tutorial is available to you after the jump (fancy blogspeak for click the link because we bloggers are much to clever to just say that).

But for those of you that aren't upset about my local watering hole not being open on a Monday (bastards) - and if you were hoping that this posting would come with a song - I give you The Chairman of the Board himself and his rendition of Fly Me To The Moon.

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