Monday, April 9, 2007

An Inconvenient Commute

A few months ago the man that would be king (Al Gore) won an Oscar for his documentary An Inconvenient Truth. While layed up in bed for a week with my very swollen foot I had the opportunity to watch this film. It was what most documentaries are...BORING!! So much for all the hooplah. Still it was probably a movie that needed to be made (and seen) so as hard as it was to stay awake I'm glad I rented it.

But here's a movie that I didn't hear anything about. I would have liked to have seen this just so I could watch them shred the cars. I also would like to see it because I firmly believe that politics are the main reason we haven't progressed beyond the current automotive technology.

The name of the film is "Who Killed the Electric Car". Ok so Gore's movie had a title with more pizzaz.

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