Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Cacophonic Eruption

Today was one of those days when all the voices in my head were screaming as loud as possible. The resulting sound is something akin to an orchestra that is warming up before a big concert. A bunch of instruments playing loudly in various random keys. None of which come even relatively close to meshing. I refer to these moments as the Cacophonic Eruption.

It would be great if the source of this eruption was one single element but alas life is never that easy. I swear to you if someone asked me what I did today between the hours of 7 and 3 I could not answer them. I know I was busy putting out fires but don't ask me what was burning. And so ends the disclaimer for the randomness that is to follow.

American Idol

I'm a bit fascinated by the show right now. Not enough to actually watch it but enough to tune in for 5 - 10 minutes when its on with the hopes of watching the train wreck. Admittedly I do have someone on the show that I'm willing to say I'd be interested in hearing what an actual album of there's would sound like. If curiousity is overwhelming you it's Gina "the Rocker Girl". She caught my interest when she covered an Evenescence song and managed to not butcher it entirely. I also find myself pulling for Sanjaya. Not because I think he's any good. He's fucking horrible. I just love the idea that somewhere out there, there is a group of idiots not eating because he's still on the show. It's almost enough to make me call in and vote. Almost. Meanwhile, I'd like to offer up a video from someone who claims to have been on American Idol. I've done a web search and can't prove that he was but that doesn't change the brilliance of the song. A quick warning...if you're at work you may want to put the headphones on.

Some of you have commented on some of my ramblings from "The most powerful man...". Specifically the bit about the fabrication of evidence that promted our support of the Iraq war. Please allow me to clarify this statement so as to avoid any confusion. The current administration - meaning George Bush, Dick Cheney, and Carl Rove - were instrumental in propagating the idea that Al Qaeda attacked both of the World Trade Center towers in New York City and the Pentagon. And that a third highjacking was foiled by the passengers of Flight 93. Much has been made of this claim. We've seen movies both cable and Hollywood to support the claim. I wonder how many of you have bothered to watch this one. You simply cannot watch this video without coming away feeling as if you've been duped by the White House.

Just as a warning this is a full 1 hour and 20 minutes long and is very politically polarizing. Everyone should watch it but you should be in the mood for it first.

But enough of the depressing hard core crap. Here's something almost all of us can relate to. I don't know how long this little hottie has been doing this but its damn entertaining. Ok screw entertaining. She's fucking brilliant! If you like this as much as I did there are more available at

Here you'll find gem's like Chair butt..."I don't know but I've been told, my butt looks pretty old"; Cubicle View (yum); My Nuts Are Your Nuts "mind if I borrow a pen"; See her lose her southern accent and wear a blonde wig in Shut the Fuck Up; And one that we've all thought of succumbing to Feeling Postal

And lastly I had lunch yesterday with a good friend of mine. He and I are at odds on the subject of which movie will be more entertaining on opening day. The two choices are Live Free or Die Hard and The Transfomers. I'll let you be the judge. Can you say double feature!

Live Free or Die Hard

The Transformers

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