Saturday, October 6, 2007

The Queen is dead...Long live the Queen!

So in an effort to post more...and to not seem so totally delinquent in my "Oh Tee Dubs"...I'm expanding the series from just drinks to include movies and any other damn thing that hits my fancy.

"Wanna ride a bike?"

Here now Weebles and Wobbles is your Movie Of The Week.

In 1998 the beauitful and extremely talented Cate Blanchett lost out to the irritating no talent hack that is Gwyneth Paltrow at the Oscars. The category was Best Actress. Paltry (ahem), I mean Paltrow won for her role as Viola De Lesseps in Shakespear In Love. It was a good movie. Extremely entertaining well written and the acting wasn't completely horrible. Paltrow didn't botch it and she was (at the time) one of America's darlings. Bleh.

Blanchett played Elizabeth. Queen Elizabeth. "Declared illegitimate aged 3. Tried for treason aged 21. Crowned Queen aged 25." She was nothing short of magnificent. But the story wasn't a happy one and this writer believes that it cost her the crowning achievment of her industry.

Well I'm pleased to inform you all that Blanchett and Elizabeth are both back in Elizabeth The Golden Age. The movie opens on October 12th and maybe, just maybe, a previous injustice can finally be corrected.

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