Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Drink of the week

While over at Cyemm's the other night I heard a phrase that I hadn't heard in quite a bit. "Panty Dropper". In the context that it was used it was an adjective but the dilemma that I have is that it could have very well been a noun. There is a beverage that one could order at their local establishment known as the Panty Dropper.

Now we men have often used the phrase to describe a drink that would help us *ahem* fast forward to the entertainment portion of the evening. Sad to say that even I have stooped to such a level in the past. Fuck you for judging me.

Problem number two - I just found out (during the research portion of this post) that there are multiple recipes for this damn thing. Not in such a way that you could say what the standard is. There's a "fruity" version and one that is a lot closer to the White Russian. While I will list the 3 main recipes that I've found I'm going to crown the one made here in Seattle as the official Panty Dropper recipe. And if you don't like it write your own blog ya bum.

Official Panty Dropper Recipe

1 shot of Kahlua (substitute any available coffee liqueur), 1 shot of sloe gin, fill with half & half and serve over ice.

Other recipes worth trying

1 shot Vodka, 1 shot Blueberry Schnapps, 1 shot Cranberry juice


1 shot Vodka, 1 shot Captain Morgan's, fill with Pepsi and serve over ice

Should you find yourself in a situation where you must resort to such drastic measures it is my duty to inform you that the average cost is $6 - $7. Expect to buy at least 4 of these babies to *cough* get the job done.

BTW in case you havn't guessed by now, the pre-preggo pic of Salma served no purpose at all.

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