Friday, May 11, 2007

The Man From Atlantis

Which I suppose sounds a whole lot better than Flipper. Today is the day of my foot surgery. Say it with me class "Syndactylization". THEY'RE GONNA WEB TWO OF MY FRICKEN TOES TOGETHER FOR CRYIN OUT LOUD. Of course at work they've been calling me Flipper, Marine Boy, Freak (ok they may have been calling me that last one before now).

Of course with the way my brain works I can't get away from the thought of "I'm becoming Patrick Duffy. Either that or I'm becoming Martin Tupper. "Who's that?" you ask. Martin Tupper was the name of the lead character in a 1990's HBO show called "Dream On". Martin spent too much time watching movies and TV as a youth and as an adult everytime he was faced with something he would reflect back to a clip from one of the TV shows he watched. It was well done and highly entertaining at the time and the sadness of me comparing myself to a TV character who constantly reflected on other TV/Movie characters is not lost upon me.

Sigh...I am what I am...ugg ga ga ga ga (lame Popeye attempt)

And now without further adeui The Man From Atlantis

Wanna see me race a dolphin?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! I love your blog. Hope you don't mind but I nicked your Atlantis clip & put it on my novelty video clips blog (the red one)... you can find it via my normal blog by clicking on Gledwood's Other Blogs very top right ...

Take it EZ

& keep up the great blog!!
