Saturday, February 14, 2009

Kuji Takada Get's His Ass Kicked

As Friday evenings go, last night was a pretty groovy. I spent it with a couple of friends, drinking good scotch and watching cheesy movies. The cheese included Heavy Metal and a little Star Wars a la Robot Chicken (more on this later). We also sped through a movie called The Eliminators which starred a bunch of might have beens and a few never was. This is what people have in mind when they say “B” movie.

Still the one thing that a B-movie is good for are some classic quotes. Take Heavy Metal for example. Solid quotes everywhere. The real gem of the evening for me was the Robot Chicken parody of Star Wars. As I’ve mentioned before I don’t watch Adult Swim. But there does seem to be some pretty funny shit on there. I’m sure there are some misses too but this Robot Chicken crap isn’t one of them. It was created by Matthew Seinreich, Mike Fasolo, and Seth Green (yes that Seth Green). It’s a clay-mation spoof of quite a few pop culture icons, but the only one I’m interested in are the ones of the Star Wars variety.

I warn you to not be drinking anything while watching this. Some things really burn when coming through your nose.

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