Sunday, February 1, 2009

Keepin' Up With The Robszez...or All Apologies

Today is Super Bowl Sunday. The wrong team won. Period. I may delve into that more futher later but probably not. A.D.D. is a bitch, and being a spaz makes it worse. Having said that, today while hanging out at The Winchester, watching the big game I found myself roped into a wager with a new friend of mine.

It's completely my fault because I berated him for not posting on his blog. I did this because when we met he seemed pretty gung ho about the hole "blogging" thing, but since then (and since I've added his link to this forum) he's been RADIO SILENT.

I brought this up to him today during the Arizona Cardinal loss to the Pittsburgh Steal ers (yes I spelled it that way on purpose) in today's Super Bowl, and he (Iowa Rob) decided that a wager would fix the entire thing.

Rob decided that the one thing that would fix his reticence was to make a bet with me.

The bet?

In simplistic terms it's to post as much as you can. In more detail it involves posting every day. For every day you don't post (and the other does) you owe a beer. If memory serves (hey it's Super Bowl Sunday and I've been drinking so keep your judging to yourself) we make a talley on a 2 week basis.

I suspect that after today the score will be tied at 1. But I'm a movie guy and the easiest way to sum this bet up for me is to quote "Without A Paddle".

"I don't have to outrun the bear. I just have to out run you!"

As for the "All Apologies" portion of the title. I like to tell myself that I don't post as much because I'm saving my cleverness for something that strikes my fancy. That I'm waiting to post about something that is meaningful. But I'm a competitive man by nature and that means that you folks are in store for a bunch of nonsense for as long as it takes.

This means that I'm going to post about some extremely inane shit. For how long you ask? I have no idea. But I could very well be scribing an entire mundane post about Grandma Numchuck in the very near future. Not very entertaining (or interesting) but if it wins the bet...Let's just say that you should all familiarize yourselves with Joel McHale.

Those of you that know, and love, me truly understand. For the rest of you...I hope you'll come along for the ride.

And now I give you the poetry of Kobain performed by Sineaid O'Conner. Oh, and as for the cover pic...this is what you get when you've been drinking and you google "without a paddle".


Single-n-San Fran said...

It's on like "Donkey Kong!!"" :)

Single-n-San Fran said...

BTW..Mindye is my best friend....and a really hot chick!!! you will met her someday Chad! :)

Unknown said...

This little bet is going to get a lot worse before it gets better, isn't it?