Monday, February 2, 2009

Fists Of Freedom

Part of the bet requires that I actually remember what is going on when it happens as opposed to when you (or I really) get around to finally posting about it. And as previously mentioned it also means posting about every inane thing that comes to mind NO MATTER WHAT.

This means a lot of shorter posts but...

So there's an entire world out ther where people that love each other do some things that are considered a bit kinky to the rest of the masses. They are free and open and comfortable with their bodies and with their sexuatlity. These are you neighbors, your PTA membors, your Mail Deliverers, your Managers. They are everywhere so deal with it. They could even be running the country?

I give you Soup


Unknown said...

"These are you neighbors, your PTA members, your Mail Deliverers, your Managers. They are everywhere so deal with it."

This sounds like a movie quote and for the life of me I can't figure out why. Is it?

Aagro said...

It's probably a paraphrasing of a scene in Fight Club.

Unknown said...

That's right. It is the bathroom scene I was thinking of.

Thanks (it didn't keep me up last night but is was bugging me)!